Monday, March 21, 2011

What is this?

Should this be considered music? This is exactly what I mean about music that is put out and it shouldn't be.



    CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!! at about 1:45
    Elvis Duran in the Morning show played this and I was like WOW!!! i cannot believe people pay her to sing!! Good post! lol She's really bad (sorry to all the fans)

  2. Her mom should get her 2000.00 back for this song and video. She has no talent what soever. When she sings the word, Friday, my stomach turns. The music video makes me sick! i will give justin bieber credit bec he does some credit but she doesnt have an ounce!!

  3. This is the first time I heard this song and I couldn’t listen to the entire thing. The sound of her voice hurt my ears. Do people actually like this? How could they. Auto tune software makes it so that people do not even have to have talent to make it today.

  4. This song sounds completely fake. I listened to this and, to me, sounds like a robot. I'm not sure of too many people whom like to listen to this, however, I am sure at least one person in the entire world actually does.

  5. I have seen this video before and her singing is horrible. She's off key, pitchy, and also she couldn't hit the high notes. I will admit in the very beginning when it goes through the days of the week she wasn't bad. I thought she was going to be good but I was wrong. I don't understand why they're playing this song on the radio. Finally, if everyone did what she did pick a song and sing it while being in a video that she didn't create and couldn't sing well I would never listen to music again. Keep the singing for the talented.


    This is the sequel to Friday it's a whole lot better and funny!!

  7. Yes, the video was sophomoric and unsophisticated. But come on, folks, consider the source - the girl and her friends are what? Thirteen or so? It was exactly what I would expect from someone that age. Sure, the lyrics were juvenile, the music was pure bubblegum, and the vocals weren't the best, but her was my take after watching - I was glad to see someone that age in a positive light, with - dare I say it? - a little bit of wholesomeness and just having fun. So what if her mom spent $2000 for supporting her daughter in a positive character building activity? There were no sexual innuendoes, no "barely there" outfits, no violence or drugs in the performance. Actually, once you get over the awful music and just look at it as simple fun, it's kind of a refreshing change from seeing kids in another light other than delinquency, gang-related activities, drugs, sex, addictions, etc. Sometimes it's better to not over-analyze, accept things as they are and let yourself feel good about it

  8. In fact, I have read an article about this vido. the article said that the song lyristic is kind of simple. at beginning people who put this in their blog because they just make fun of this vedio, but it turned out a lot of people love it. Thank you post it here I have a chance to hear it. I do not enjoy this very much, but I agree with what Carm said. It is just have fun and I do not see any of negetive thing there.

  9. Alot of music today has this sounds... the raspy voice, quick tone and dry. New "artist" today dont seem to have the lyrical talent or passion that artist like, Frank Sinatra, Mick Jagger, Elvis, Michael Jackson, or Eminem (yes I put him in here because of his ability to mix words unlike anyone else) had before. Today's "music" is a bunch of young kids trying to get a quick check, one hit song, and then their gone. I doesnt seem like they care as much as they used to.

  10. I completely agree with you… This girl made this video and it is completely horrible. Everything about it is horrible, but she gets on the radio and becomes almost famous from it. How can people let this happen when someone like her is so bad and clearly has no talent? I don’t think it’s music at all… but I suppose it is a form of art what she is doing.

  11. ahahhaha i remember this music video like two week.s from 8 thousand views on sunday up to 3.2 million 2 days later. this just goes to show the power and influence of twitter/facebook spamming this video amongst friends. Such a hilariously bad song/music video can achieve so many views is mind-boggling.

  12. YouTube is so funny for the celebrities it creates by the number of hits a video receives. Ryan Seacrest played this on his radio show. Other radio shows played it for Chris Brown. He said he liked it. I saw an interview with Rebecca Black's mother, and like Cody said, she paid for two thousand dollars for the writing of the lyrics, recording, and music video. That seems like a good deal for all the publicity her daughter received. D.B. Entertainment signed her, thanks to Ryan Seacrest.

  13. I cannot believe that this is even considered music. I listened to this song and I leterally got angry right after I finished it. I do not consider this music. I consider it dull. In noy way is this even a song. I think the record companys need to realize there is more talent out there that still needs to be found.
